
Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

The elder scrolls V skyrim cheat codes

game yg satu ini cukup seru gan ,
dunianya juga keren.nah di sini ane sedikit tau cheat codesnya yg mempermudah dalam bermain (khusus pc ya cheatnya)

GOD MODE(PALING HOT)                                           - TGM

Add levels to your skills                       - AdvancePCSkill (skillname) # 
Add perk (ie Light fingers is 00018E6A)         - player.addperk ######## 
Adds dragon's souls to your pool, allowing
you to improve your shouts.                     - Player.modav Dragonsouls #
Adjust field of view (insert fov value as x)    - fov x
Advances the targeted skill by xxx amount       - advskill [skill] #
All Spells                                      - psb
Change scale of player; 1 is normal             - player.setscale #
Changes ownership of target so you can 
safely take without stealing                    - Setownership
Changes your gender                             - SexChange
Complete all Quest Stages                       - caqs
Duplicate items 
(click container\NPC and copy the RefID)        - duplicateallitems
Fast travel to location, e.g. coc Rivertown     - COC [location]
Freeflying camera                               - tfc
Give player item 
(i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a) - player.additem [ItemNumber] # 
Gives the ID for the companion or NPC           - help "NPC Name" 4
God mode                                        - TGM
Increase Burden by #                            - player.modav burden #
Increase your Level                             - AdvancePCLevel
increases movement speed 
(eg. player.setav speedmult 250)                - player.setav speedmult X
Kill enemy (Must select with arrow first)       - Kill
Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity   - killall
list all commands in console                    - help
quits the game instantly                        - qqq
Removes all items of selected NPC               - removeallitems
Resurrects targeted dead                        - Resurrect
Search by the keyword, the number is what mode 
to search by. Modes are listed by help every 
time you use it.                                - help keyword #
Set Carry Weight                                - player.modav carryweight #
Set character's fame.                           - setpcfame
Set character's infamy.                         - setpcinfamy
Set Fatigue                                     - player.setav Fatigue #
Set health                                      - player.setav Health #
Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 
if you want to be free.                         - player.setcrimegold X
Set Magicka                                     - player.setav Magicka #
Set Player Level                                - player.setlevel #
Sets skill to # level without leveling char.    - player.setav *skillname* #
Sets the NPC corresponding to the ID essential  - setessential [ID] 1
Show Race Menu                                  - showracemenu
Show/hide all map markers 1=show 0=hide         - tmm 1/0
Spawns an NPC at your location.
(Replace X with NPC ID)                         - player.placeatme X
starts all quests                               - saq
teleports you to quest target                   - movetoqt
Toggle AI Detection                             - TDetect
Toggle Artificial Intelligence                  - TAI
Toggle collision                                - tcl
Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence           - TCAI
Toggle FOW                                      - tfow
Toggle Grass                                    - TG
Toggle menus (HUD)                              - tm
Unlocks anything that may be locked by typing 
unlock then clicking the chest or door you want
unlocked then press enter.                      - unlock
Will increase the level of a skill by one.      - Player.IncPCS [Skill Name]
You can lock chests and door, or people by 
targeting them and typing "lock" followed by 
the level of difficulty you wish to set it at.  - lock X